Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Nuts in my Life

I like nuts. Everybody in this home does.
Tina came home from grocery shopping with a can of cashews and a jar of Planter's Dry Roasted Peanuts on Friday. Both were open before bedtime.

I like nuts. Everybody in this home does.
I know a guy who had his gall bladder taken out. Someone told me, or I heard on The People's Pharmacy, that in order to digest nuts, you've gotta have the ol' gall bladder. The gall bladder is one of those tonsil/appendix type things in your body "that you can live without"; but I would like mine to stay put for as long as possible.

"Gallbladder: A pear-shaped organ just below the liver that stores the bile secreted by the liver. During a fatty meal, the gallbladder contracts, delivering the bile through the bile ducts into the intestines to help with digestion. Abnormal composition of bile leads to formation of gallstones, a process termed cholelithiasis. The gallstones cause cholecystitis, inflammation of the gallbladder."

I like nuts. Everybody in this home does.
One of Emmy's bedtime stall-techniques is the "I'm hungry. Can I have a handful of peanuts?" She's been plowing through the jar of nuts. Once the lid's off, it's just bound to happen. Just forget about getting any if the jar's been opened and brought to the living room during a good movie. Gone before you think of wanting some...

...which could make a lesser man become angry and fill his heart with BILE.
"In the medical theories prevalent in the West from Classical Antiquity up to the Middle Ages, the body's health depended on the equilibrium between four "humors" or vital fluids: blood, phlegm, "yellow bile" (or ichor) and "black bile". Excesses of the last two humors were supposed to produce aggression and depression..."

I like nuts. Everybody in this home does.
I have watched Tina find the bottom of a can of cashews in a single evening, usually with some help from me. Does anyone else eat the halves first, saving the whole ones for the end?

I like nuts. Everybody in this home does.
In January of 2001, and a couple of times since, I've mined through too many Christmas nuts too enthusiastically and ended up with diverticulitis. That winter, I poured a big bag of pistachios into myself, wound-up in the hospital, and had to endure a camera in the tail.. not fun, and a really boring movie. Thankfully, I've studied up and found homeopathic remedies that nip it in the bud before it gets the upper-hand and keep me out of the clinic. Whew!

Nuts are weird; they're somewhere in between vegetables and wood.

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